About Me

I am now a research professor in the Department of Computer Science & Technology, University of Science and Technology of China(USTC). Prior to that, I received my B.E and M.S from Wuhan University in 2005 and 2007,Ph.D. from Singapore National University (NUS)in February 2013, Research Scientist from Temasek Lab@NUS in Singapore National University from November 2013 to November 2014, and Singapore National University from 2015 to July 2017. Temasek Lab@NTU, a research scientist at Nanyang Polytechnic University, is engaged in Singapore's national defense project. Since then, I worked as a Level 2 data scientist in the anti-spam core project of Exchange Mail System in the Internet Engineering Institute of Microsoft Asia Pacific R&D Group.

I am recruiting PhD, Master and Undergraduate students. If interested, please feel free to drop me an email.
现招收博士、硕士以及中国科学技术大学本科生,对AI系统分析、大数据系统方向、区块链智能合约、软件系统安全感兴趣并且具有良好的数理基础,编程能力, 对前沿的科学与技术保持好奇与探索欲望的同学,欢迎随时联系我。本实验室科研经费充足,科研设备齐全,助研补贴高,同时优秀的同学可以送到海外名校实验室交流学习,毕业后可以推荐到海外名校(比如新加坡国立大学、南洋理工大学等)读博, 也有得到阿里等大公司内推的机会。

    Research Interests

My research interests Software engineering and Cyber Security. I am recently focusing on building systems that combines program analysis, data analysis and verification to accomplish the Cyber Security tasks,e.g.,vulnerability detection,malware detection and so on. (我最近专注于构建结合程序分析、数据分析和验证的系统,以完成网络安全任务,例如漏洞检测、恶意软件检测等。)


  • [2023.01] Our recent work "Challenging Machine Learning-based Clone Detectors via Semantic-preserving Code Transformations" was accepted in full by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) (CCF A) (通讯作者). Congratulations to Weiwei Zhang!
  • [2022.12] Our recent work "Prediction of Vulnerability Characteristics Based on Vulnerability Description and Prompt Learning" was accepted in full by IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER) (CCF B) (通讯作者). Congratulations to Xiangwei Li!
  • [2022.12] Our recent work "DeepArc: Modularizing Neural Networks for the Model Maintenance" was accepted in full by IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (CCF A) (通讯作者). Congratulations to Xiaoning Ren!
  • [2022.12] Our recent work "Comparison and Evaluation of Clone Detection Techniques with Different Code Representations" was accepted in full by IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (CCF A) (通讯作者). Congratulations to Yuekun Wang!
  • [2022.11] Our recent work "A Survey on Automated Driving System Testing: Landscapes and Trends" was accepted in full by ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol (TOSEM) (CCF A) (通讯作者). Congratulations to Shuncheng Tang!
  • [2022.07] Our recent work "PRCBERT: Prompt Learning for Requirement Classification using BERT-based Pretrained Language Models" was accepted in full by IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) (CCF A) (通讯作者). Congratulations to Xianchang Luo! 【pdf download】
  • [2022.06] Our recent work "xFuzz: Machine Learning Guided Cross-Contract Fuzzing" was accepted in full by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) (CCF A) (第一作者). (近期工作被ACM TDSC全文接受) 【pdf download】
  • [2022.01] Our recent work "Multi-objective integer programming approaches to Next Release Problem—Enhancing exact methods for finding whole pareto front" was accepted in full by Information and Software Technology (IST) (CCF B) (通讯作者). Congratulations to Shi Dong! 【pdf download】
  • [2021.09] Our vulnerability reports of smart contracts are recently approved by CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and are assigned with CVE-ID CVE-2020-19765, CVE-2020-19766, CVE-2020-19767, CVE-2020-19768, CVE-2020-19769.  Credits to the students Jiaming Ye, Minliang Ma and Tianyong Peng.
  • [2021.05] Our recent paper titled “A Lightweight Framework for Function Name Reassignment Based on Large-Scale Stripped Binaries” receives the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award in ISSTA 2021 🏆. Congratulations!
  • [2021.05] I was invited to the review board of the Springer Journal Automated Software Engineering (CCF B)! Please consider submitting your paper to ASE.
  • [2021.06] I organized RADAS 2021 (the 1st International Workshop on Reliability of Advanced Driving Assistant Systems). Please consider submitting your paper to RADAS 2021.
  • [2020.07] Our recent work "Multi-objective Integer Programming Approaches for Solving the Multi-criteria Test-suite Minimization Problem: Towards Sound and Complete Solutions of a Particular Search-based Software-engineering Problem" was accepted in full by ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol(CCF A)(第一作者). (近期工作被ACM TOSEM全文接受) 【pdf download】 【Dataset && Toolsite】
  • [2020.09] Our recent work "Cross-Contract Static Analysis for Detecting Practical Reentrancy Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts" was accepted in full by IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(CCF A)(第一作者). (近期工作被ACM ASE全文接受) 【pdf download】 【Dataset && Toolsite】
  • [2020.08] Our recent work "MUZZ: Thread-aware Grey-box Fuzzing for Effective Bug Hunting in Multithreaded Programs" was accepted in full by USENIX Security Symposium (CCF A) (通讯作者). (近期工作被USENIX全文接受) 【pdf download】
  • [2020.07] Our recent work "How are Deep Learning Models Similar? An Empirical Study on Clone Analysis of Deep Learning Software" was accepted in full by ACM/IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension. (CCF B) (通讯作者) (近期工作被ACM ICPC全文接受) 【pdf download】
  • [2020.09] Our recent work0 "CCGraph: A PDG based Code Clone Detector With Approximate Graph Matching" was accepted in full by IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.(CCF A) (通讯作者)(近期工作被ACM ASE全文接受) 【pdf download】
  • [2019.07] Invited to serve on the PC Committee of NASAC'19 (18th National Conference on Software and Applications). (被邀请担任服务于NASAC'19程序委员会)
  • [2019.06] Our recent work "Cerebro: Context-Aware Adaptive Fuzzing for E-enactivity Vulnerability Detection" was accepted in full by ACM FSE. (CCF A) (通讯作者)(近期工作被ACM FSE全文接受)
  • [2019.02] Invited to serve as the Tool and A E Committee for ISSTA'19 (CCF A). (被邀请担任服务于ISSTA'19的Tool和AE两个轨道的委员会)
  • [2019.01] Our recent work "Securing Android App Markets via Modelling and Predicting Malware Spread between Markets" accepted by IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security. (CCF A) (通讯作者) (近期工作被IEEE Trans全文接受)

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